A huge thank you to xTool, who kindly gifted me their M1 laser cutting, engraving and blade cutting machine to try out!
You can find the xTool M1 here:
• US site: https://xtool.com/products/xtool-m1-the-ultimate-gift-making-laser-blade-cutting-machine-t?ref=uRPX4wcKZXohiB&utm_source=influencer
• EU site: https://eu.xtool.com/products/pre-order-xtool-m1-worlds-first-desktop-hybrid-laser-blade-cutting-machine-1?ref=uRPX4wcKZXohiB&utm_source=influencer
Premium Materials Package:
• US site: https://xtool.com/collections/material/products/laser-material-box-pro?ref=uRPX4wcKZXohiB&utm_source=influencer
✦ Etsy Shop – https://etsy.com/uk/shop/HanmadeDesignsUK?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
✦ Supplies and Equipment I use:
Office Equipment – https://amzn.eu/9WUiFNM
Filming Equipment – https://amzn.eu/alLhbv3
Packing Supplies – https://amzn.eu/1hKihwm
Business Books – https://amzn.eu/dHiqgfP
Embroidery Supplies – https://amzn.eu/ac3MV7h
✦ Collaborations & Sponsorships: https://hanmadedesigns.net/contact
00:00 Introduction
01:24 Unboxing
05:58 Installing
07:10 Software Download
07:51 Laser Engraving Tag
08:33 Laser Cutting Basswood
12:00 Blade Cutting
14:30 Honest Review
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laser cutting machine
#xTool #Unboxing #amp #Review #Laser #Cutting #Machine #Create #Products #Sell #Gifted