#xToolD1 #xTool #laserengraver
To purchase –
This is a 10w Diode laser engraver by xTool. This is one solid built machine! Has a very study extruded aluminum frame, a true 10w diode laser, and a 3 axis mainboard. I will also show you how to make a spoilboard or wastebord, and secure it down with 3D printed parts.
Purchase Here –
Etsy Spoilboard Wasteboard –
Honeycomb Laser bed –
Thangs.com xTool Tie Downs –
#Polymaker Silk Purple Filament –
#Lightburn Software
Disclaimer – This is an instructional video only – I assume no responsibility if you do not become a pro after watching this video. This video is for learning purposes only, you are following the steps in this video at your own risk!
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Tripods Garage
#xTOOL #Watt #Laser #Engraver #Awesome #Results