Join George as he shares the motivation and logic in buying a Class 1 CO2 laser. Will it be an Aeon, Thunder Omtech, or Boss? Motivation and Justification are big elements in a decision. Shop space is a big part of any decision.
If you are curious about the other tools and supplies George uses in his shop, please visit his Amazon Influencer store
George Kenner is a San Diego Realtor & Real Estate Broker and as is customary in California Brokers must display their Department of Real Estate License Number. George’s number is 01229951.
Along with being a Broker George has also been recipient of Realtor of the Year honors and California Association of Realtors, Champion of Home Award. You can see a short video that details why George was given these honors at .
George also contributes his video skills to charities and his local Realtor Association and will consider working for free for any charity. If you have a video project to discuss with George please do not hesitate to call him at 619-723-5714
co2 laser
#CO2 #Laser #BUY #Motivation #Process