Compared with nanosecond laser cutting machine, picosecond laser cutting machine has shorter pulse width, higher peak power, shorter time for laser to act on the surface of materials, which can achieve better and more refined processing effect, realize real cold processing, basically no carbonization, and gradually become the mainstream choice.
Picosecond laser cutting machine is applicable to the cutting and forming of covering film (CVL), flexible plate (FPC), soft and hard bonding plate (RF) and thin multilayer plate.
Picosecond laser cutting machine has the following advantages:
1. Real cold processing, basically no carbonization: the laser pulse width is less than 10ps, the carbonization range is very small, and the carbonization phenomenon is basically invisible.
2. The cutting effect is more refined: using small single pulse energy, high frequency processing, fine carving, the processing surface is more refined and smooth, and the comprehensive processing accuracy is up to ± 20 μ m。
3. Double table top, zero loading and unloading time, high efficiency and faster speed: picosecond repetition rate is very high, up to MHz, greatly improving processing efficiency.
4. Preview function before processing: to avoid scrap of cutting.
5. Two dimensional code marking.
5. There are many processing materials, which are suitable for processing various materials.
Compared with nanosecond laser, picosecond laser cutting machine has better processing effect and processing speed. In addition, picosecond laser also has wider space in the market application field, such as solar cell laser etching (narrower line width), OLED laser cutting (smaller edge collapse), and brittle material laser drilling (faster speed). It can do things that cannot be done within nanosecond time range, mainly due to the influence of heat affected zone