A video demonstrating how to use your custom laser engraved rolling pin.
Different doughs react differently. The firmer the dough the better.
The rolling pins have multiple uses, fancy pastry decoration, cake decorating, shortbread, basic biscuits, play dough, and even clay, for example.The rolling pin features repeating print to create a stamped sheet of cookie dough.
When rolling out your mixture, use your regular rolling pin first.
If your recipe states that you need your dough to be 5mm thick, roll out your dough to about 8/9 mm. Then use your patterned rolling pin to emboss your dough. This will flatten it to the desired thickness stated in your recipe.
You need to season your rolling pin with flour to stop it sticking to the dough. I have found it beneficial to flour the rolling pins well.
Once you have rolled your dough out and embossed it, then cut to shape and bake.
To clean your rolling pin, run under water and, if necessary, use a small brush (something like a toothbrush) and lightly brush out any remaining flour.As with all wooden utensils,- Dry quickly. Do not leave wet.From time to time spray with a cooking oil and dry.
You can purchase your rolling pin from:
If you’d like to see how they are made:
laser engraved
#laser #engraved #rolling #pin #updated #version