How to calibrate the stepper motors for X & Y Axis on Trocen AWC708S Controller.
Create a square in Laser Software 100x100mm
Cut from a piece of material using the cut settings for that material.Now measure the X & Y axis.
Follow Directions in Video on how to change the Distance Per Pulse(um) length and the actual measured length to calibrate your stepper motors.
To enter the Manufacturer Parameters / Configuration Menu Press STOP & Then Press SHIFT
Option 1 is the Axis Parameters where you can calibrate the Stepper motors for each Axis X, Y, & Z
The process for calibrating Z is similar but not covered in this video For Z AXIS CALIBRATION – https://youtu.be/RdnyG61gL0s?t=553
Trocen Website – http://sztrocen.com/
Trocen AWC708S Co2 Laser Controller System for Laser Engraving and Cutting Machine – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dXpXjEh
Cloudray Laser – https://cloudraylaser.com/products/trocen-laser-controller-awc708s
Thanks for Visiting.Until next time, take care.
Cheers Matthew (MW Laser)
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#Trocen #AWC708S #XampY #Axis #Calibration #Co2 #Laser #Machine #Controller #Settings