LaserPecker contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in checking out their LaserPecker2 engraver and I said yes, why yes I would be interested! This is a portable unit and has several modes of use:
1. On the stand, which has a motorized vertical travel system, either parallel to the table or rotated at an angle
2. Hand-held on location
3. Trolley mode for engraving signs
4. Slab mode
5. Cylinder mode
The size is limited at 100x100mm but the portability makes it an option where gantry-style engravers are not.
The LaserPecker2 can engrave on many materials including wood, cork, stone, stainless steel, acrylic, glass, leather, cola cans, and many others and is controlled with an incredibly user friendly app for iOS or Android, plus a Windows and Mac option. All in all I’m very impressed with this unit!
Official link:
https://laserpecker.net/Products/LaserPecker-2-Pro-Engraving-machine-Super-F ast-Handheld-Laser-Engraver-Cutter-Versatile-Electric-Roller-p1927246.html
laser cutter for
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