Today I tested the most suggested ways to protect and finish acrylic engravings on a co2 laser.
These included; Just leaving the protective layer on, nothing at all, masking tape, rubbing dish soap on before engraving, cleaning with soapy water, cleaning with alcohol and for a final test I used White spirits.
Special thanks to : Low-vision UK – Terry’s View for buying me a beer! I enjoyed this beer while editing this video 🙂
If you like what I am doing here then please feel free to buy me a beer!
My laser cutter : https://ebay.co.uk/itm/50W-CO2-Laser-50W-Laser-Cutter-500x300mm-50W-Laser-Engraver-Machine/372695978068?hash=item56c6695054:g:qIcAAOSwBANfYsIdUpgraded lens : https://amzn.to/3r7vB4F
Upgraded Mirrors : https://amzn.to/2Wt9doh
Extractor : https://amzn.to/2WnlXgd
My camera, Crosstour CT9000 : https://amzn.to/2MFVPvv
Acrylic : https://amzn.to/3qsI2qx
These links help support my little channel, when you buy from them, I earn a little referral fee, but the items cost you exactly the same, so thank you!!
Music track : Celebration of Life – Tomas Skyldeberg
#Philscraftcorner #co2laser #testing
co2 laser
#Testing #methods #engraving #acrylic #co2 #laser #surprised #results