Click on Show More below to see links and the May Raffle!
====Video mentions====
May, 2022 Laser Giveaway!
TwoTrees TTS-55 5W Diode Laser!
(Link changes every month)
Review of this laser:
X-Tools D1 10W Laser:
(Review coming soon!)
Follow me on Instagram for behind the scenes pics and videos!
Schedule Personal Remote Help & Support:
(Windows 10 & Above Only)
Shop my Amazon Store for focused laser products!
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Become a Patreon Supporter for insider benefits and downloads!
Patreon supporters get 80-100% OFF in my graphics store!
My hobby Forums:
Facebook Group:
Need to message me? m.me/105768145045320
EXCLUSIVE 10% Discount Coupon!
If you’re looking for a Co2 or a Fiber laser, use my exclusive discount code!
This code is good on all laser website purchases at
Coupon Code: Rich&Monport
Monport has the best Co2 prices around! I own 3 of them!
This is a special VIEWER ONLY package deal!
Laser, Roller Accessory, Enclosure & Honeycomb Bed! $465!!
Take an ADDITIONAL 7% OFF with Coupon Code:
Need to mail me something?
The Louisiana Hobby Guy
4945 Grand Terre
Marrero, LA, USA 70072-6613
**I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to all my viewers who are supporting me in this effort! Thank you SO MUCH for your support!**
If you appreciate my tutorial videos and template downloads and want to buy me a cup of coffee, or a beer to help support the effort, but don’t want to sign up as a Patreon, I would greatly appreciate it!
PayPal link:
Lightburn Software – Try Before You Buy!
Some of these links are affiliate links but will NOT cost you a penny more!
These are links for things I use to create projects, or things I use in my videos.
The Laser I use most frequently, LM2 Pro, S2, V10, LF:
Amazon –
The same laser in the SF (Short Focus) version:
Ortur Aufero Portable Laser Engraver:
Ortur YRR Roller Accessory:
My other laser, the NEJE 40W Dual Beam FAC
Ortur 400×400 Honeycomb Bed:
Ortur LM2 Pro, S2, Laser Head Focusing Controller:
Supplies for my Ortur Laser:
Ortur Laser Master 2 Metal Enclosure, for LU1-2, LU1-3, LU1-4, LU2-4, OLM2-S2-SF:
Ortur 50 PCS 3.4 x 2.1″ 8mil / 0.21mm Finished Aluminum Business Cards:
Ortur – 5 Colors, Transfer Paper for etching ceramic & glass:
The CORRECT glasses for my diode laser!
CHEAP and effective transfer/mask tape
Stainless scissor platform for height adjustment of my bed
Steel bed for my other laser:
“Punk Spikes” for the steel bed:
LED light bases – 2-pack – CHEAP and nice!
Pre-cut Acrylic for LED light bases
10-pack of Acrylic, 5×7 clear
60 Pack of wood rounds for coasters
Slate coasters with a stand
Let’s make some money in 2022!
#ortur #orturlasermaster2 #lightburn #tutorial #Atomstack #Aufero #Xtool #D1 #Makeblock #Neje #Laserpecker #Sculpfun #omtech #bosslaser #comgrow #cloudray #trotec
The Louisiana Hobby Guy
#Laser #Engraving #Level #Simple #Trick