UCpYPHn2rwxTwhkrvzDhE9Mg laser engraving #Laser #Engraving #Cutting #workshop
UCpYPHn2rwxTwhkrvzDhE9Mg laser engraving #Laser #Engraving #Cutting #workshop
Hey everyone! In this Laser Engraver project video I use my Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver to upcycle old cigar boxes by putting new images and logos on the lids! You can usually pick up old cigar boxes for a few bucks and these would make a unique one of a kind gift for a special […]
Making and mounting the 4 Stepper Mounts and installing the Leadscrews for the LaserBed. Plenty of Fails / Redo’s / Problems, but c’mon that’s what diy is all about right 😉 enjoy Leadscrews Banggood: http://banggood.com/T8-300mm-Stainless-Steel-Lead-Screw-Set-with-Shaft-Coupling-and-Mounted-Ball-Bearing-p-995057.html Linear Rails Aliexpress: http://aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-9mm-Linear-Guide-MGN9-L-200mm-linear-rail-way-MGN9C-or-MGN9H-Long-linear/32525095448.html Cnc Operation #1 1/8″ – 3.175mm Single Flute Cutter 32mm Cutting Length (600mm/min 8000rpm) (1mm Depth […]
Genial: TwoTrees Laser Engraver TTS-25/TTS-55 WiFi Dieser Laser besticht durch seinen Preis und seine dennoch sehr üppig bestückte Ausstattung. Was er alles drauf hat, erfährst du im Video. *Hier kannst du dir den Laser bestellen: https://bit.ly/3IBSZQT *Hier findest du die Metallvisitenkarten: https://amzn.to/3MLEtHC *Hier findest du eine Brille: https://amzn.to/3OVJBt9 Hier das Video zu meiner Absauglösung: Was […]
Roger Clyde Webb demonstrates, How-to laser Engraving a Photo CARVECO 5% discount code is- ROGERWEBB5798 https://store-us.carveco.com/?ref=B40mt_z8N7xiu ArtCAM tutorials https://youtube.com/channel/UCP0v3oQjLKV3e3gHWYyFqXQ Help support my channel and become a Patron https://patreon.com/user?u=15079773 Pen ordering Email: rogerwebb521gmail.com My hand made pens are for sale Up to 2000-year-old wood pens Huon pine USD$49 Myrtle USD$47 Blackwood USD$45 Oak USD$45 ****+ shipping […]
In this video we laser cut a reciprocating rack and pinion gear system using our laser engraver and cutter. It is a great DIY project for science fairs, school projects or simply for fun. If you don’t have a laser cutter or laser engraving machine, you can always download the plans and cut the parts […]
303 Roger Clyde Webb demonstrates 100-watt laser how to make a 3D vase 25 units per hour Everything Banggood DE 2.5% discount (ONLY AT THIS ADDRESS BELOW) http://aklam.io/9Dh0ux CARVECO 5% discount code is- ROGERWEBB5798 https://store-us.carveco.com/?ref=B40mt_z8N7xiu ArtCAM tutorials https://youtube.com/channel/UCP0v3oQjLKV3e3gHWYyFqXQ Help support my channel and become a Patron https://patreon.com/user?u=15079773 Pen ordering Email: rogerwebb521gmail.com My hand made pens […]
In this quick video guide I will show you how you can use your 3d printer as a laser engraver and I won’t cost you more that 40$. Most of 3d printers are just an upgraded version of a laser engraver so If you own a 3d printer you basically have a laserengraver without the […]
Watch as we build a timber and acrylic conceptual model primarily using CNC fabrication techniques such as laser cutting and CNC routing. Thanks for watching. Please leave us a comment down below if you have any questions, suggestions or video requests, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel to see more maker content. _______________________________ […]
I’ve had a 60-watt Co2 laser that I purchased from eBay for over 5 years. How has it held up over those five years and what are my thoughts now? I cover the issues I’ve had and the upgrades I’ve done to the machine. I also share my thoughts on if I think others should […]