Tag Archives: woodwork

Upcycle Old Cigar Boxes With Laser Engraving! Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver

Upcycle Old Cigar Boxes With Laser Engraving! Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver

Hey everyone! In this Laser Engraver project video I use my Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver to upcycle old cigar boxes by putting new images and logos on the lids! You can usually pick up old cigar boxes for a few bucks and these would make a unique one of a kind gift for a special […]

Fast Laser Marking Steel

Fast Laser Marking Steel

Laser Marking fine print on steel with the HPC Laser LSE110 Fibre Engraver. Processing time: 1 minute For more information visit https://hpclaser.co.uk/ or contact us at: E: saleshpclaser.co.uk T: 01422 310800 UCMXvkwXIuNoK97kOZduKEQw laser marking #Fast #Laser #Marking #Steel

Quick Tip 7 Laser Engraved Leather

Quick Tip 7 Laser Engraved Leather

Our Latest video shows The Island Workshop, Quick Tip Laser Engraved Leather Please subscribe for regular videos on: woodworking, Laser cutting, product design, quick tips, workshop updates and more. The Island Workshop is brought to you by Axby & Hirst Axby & Hirst on Social media: xbyandhirst.com Facebook: https://en-gb.facebook.com/axbyandhirst Instagram: https://instagram.com/axbyandhirst Twitter: https://twitter.com/axbyandhirst?lang=en Patron: https://patreon.com/theislandworkshop?alert=2 […]

Plywood Key Rings | LASER CUT

Plywood Key Rings | LASER CUT

In this video, I create a laser cut key ring of the Golden Gate Bridge as a present for my sister and her boyfriend. Music by: Tom Day Follow me: Instagram: https://instagram.com/conorcoghlan/ Website: http://conorcoghlan.com/ Blog: http://conorcoghlan.com/blog/ Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/conorkcoghlan/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/coghlanconor Twitter: https://twitter.com/conorcoghlan UCOfOdBF3xf4w95iG1TmlZQw laser cutter for #Plywood #Key #Rings #LASER #CUT

Snapmaker 2.0 is laser cutting plywood for a Eiffel Tower

Snapmaker 2.0 is laser cutting plywood for a Eiffel Tower

Plywood is a commonly used material for makers. Snapmaker 2.0 can help you cut plywood in the shapes you want. Pre-order the Snapmaker 2.0 now at https://bit.ly/2YUDewY UCtXHu_nugZF3uxgJJjZfcoA laser cutting for #Snapmaker #laser #cutting #plywood #Eiffel #Tower

Making Flat LED Lamps Look 3D !! by our 6040 100W Laser Cutter

Making Flat LED Lamps Look 3D !! by our 6040 100W Laser Cutter

It looks like a bulging three dimensional bulb, but actually it’s only 5mm thick and 100 percent flat. We cut out the acrylic glass, which is known for its superior light-transmitting properties. The base is cut from plywood. UC2WjdmkCzGZiCkH3lfDr7tg laser cutter for #Making #Flat #LED #Lamps #100W #Laser #Cutter

Laser engraved business cards

Quick video on making my own wood business cards using the Next Wave Automation Shark HD4. The veneer is 2 ply walnut purchased through Rockler (only available online). The thickness of the veneer worked out perfectly. Any thinner, and it would have burnt all the way through. tg-woodworking Music courtesy of: Bensound Song used is […]

Atomstack A5 30w laser/engraver [Ad**][video 458],Peter Millard

In this video I take a look at the Atomstack A5 laser/engraver from Banggood, and I’m delighted to say that Dennis from the @HookedonWood channel joins me for a quick chat too, as he’s bit further along with his laser journey than I am! Enjoy! ** I purchased this laser from Banggood with my own […]

🔥XTool D1 Laser Engraver!🤩Very First Test Piece Looks Great! ❤️,Journey Woodwork

This was my very first test piece on my XTool D1 laser engraver. I absolutely loved the way it turned out and can’t wait to make some crazy stuff. I’ll be engraving items like cutting boards, charcuterie boards, cups, and business cards. Follow along with me on this journey. —————————————————————————————————————————————————– TikTok: JourneyWoodwork IG: journey_woodwork Journey […]

Creality Laser Engraver CV-01 | Unboxing, Setup, Testing and Review | Makerlab Electronics,Coffee Break PH

Creality Laser Engraver CV-01 | Unboxing, Setup, Testing and Review | Makerlab Electronics But it here!!! Makerlab Electronics Shopee Flagship store: Makerlab Electronics FB page: #MakeItMakerlab #MakerlabElectronics SUPPORT FILIPINO CONTENT CREATORS! #CoffeeBreakPH #SupportFilipinoContentCreators ——————————————————————————– Follow me in my social media: www.facebook.com/coffeebreakphytc www.youtube.com/coffeebreakph www.instagram.com/coffeebreakph_ytc/ For business related stuff: [email protected] ——————————————————————————– Please support and subscribe to other […]

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