Process of how I make beskar Glock back plates. Laser Training Back plates for sale Instagram @JS_Tactical_Designs Online laser training coming soon! Learn2Laser #Laser #Engraving #Beskar #Glock #Plates #Watt #Fiber #Laser
Process of how I make beskar Glock back plates. Laser Training Back plates for sale Instagram @JS_Tactical_Designs Online laser training coming soon! Learn2Laser #Laser #Engraving #Beskar #Glock #Plates #Watt #Fiber #Laser
#laserengraver #TwoTrees #PCBWay Discount code coming – PCBWay: This is Two Trees 5.5 Watt 300x300mm Laser Engraver. It more compact than other laser engravers on the market. Lets see how it performs! Product description from Two Trees – TTS-55 is powerful laser engraving machine for DIY enthusiasts with some major improvements compared with other standard […]
Unboxing and review the Ortur 15 watt laser master laser engraver. While this is listed as a 15 watt, that total power. The laser actually funcitons at a 4.5ish watt power, similar to my J Tech 4.2 Watt Laser. This laser is perfect for a beginner and expert. It’s open frame allows it to be […]
Here’s a look at a Gen 4 – BOSS LS-2436 (NOTE: GEN V NOW AVAILABLE) cutting out an example wedding invitation on some paper. Paper is extremely easy to cut with a laser and you can do so quickly without any burning on the edges. Click this link to see Boss’ new GEN V laser […]
The beautiful and powerful Desktop Laser Cutter-Engraver xTool D1 ,10 watt Laser Diode xTool : xTool D1: xTool D1 Extension Kit: xTool Enclosure : xTool RA2 Pro: xTool 20W Diode Laser Module: xTool D1 Air Assist Set : xTool Honeycomb: amazon: xTool: xTool D1: xTool RA2: Honeycomb : xTool D1 Air Assist : xTool D1: […]
The new Ortur Laser Master 3 is finally here! Lets see what it can do! We’ll try cutting and engraving various materials, and run some tests with Lightburn. Did you make something after watching this video? If so, I’d love to see it! Please tag me on Instagram @full_steam_designs and Facebook @Full Steam Designs The […]
Recently Makers Workshop got an upgrade, a Laguna EX 150 watt Laser Cutter. I wanted to take on a project that would really maximize this laser cutter’s full potential, so I decided to tackle a laser cut furniture piece, specifically a walnut laser cut desk… and then my daughter asked if she could use my […]