Creating a laser cut file by tracing a drawing and then cutting it out a print dry mounted on a laser cut panel from start to finish. UCtyBjR6hKpxjG7b5o05yzhg laser cutter for #creating #laser #cut #file #start #finish
Creating a laser cut file by tracing a drawing and then cutting it out a print dry mounted on a laser cut panel from start to finish. UCtyBjR6hKpxjG7b5o05yzhg laser cutter for #creating #laser #cut #file #start #finish
Custom Ruger Air Rifle Laser Engraving Design for the Wood Stock. This was my first time doing a scroll design build for wood build firearm. Proud on how this one all turned out! From pencil and paper to inked and designed in Adobe Illustrator! Thanks Trotec Laser Canada hub for letting me work with yall […]
Jen shares her latest project: a laser-cut book nook template and kit that allows you to build a miniature diorama to live on your bookshelf. We’re inspired by the creativity we’ve seen in book nook designs, and this template allows you to laser cut and assemble your own, with room for lighting and other electronics. […]
Showing you how to make a topographic map also known as a contour map in minutes for laser cutting designs. This is the quickest and easiest way I’ve found of being able to keep vector maps like this of anywhere in the world. Contour Map Link: https://contours.axismaps/ If you have any questions please leave them […]
If you want the vector engraving files for this bond arms laser engraving design so you can make one too here is the link to the files in my store! https://fragoutdesign/product-page/bond-arms-snake-slayer-build #LaserEngraving #Firearms #Guns #Engraving #metalEngraving #illustrator #artist #FiberLaser #art #graphicdesign #fragoutdesign #FragoutFirearms #bondarms #gunsmith @John Crump News @Bond Arms @Trotec Laser USA @Guns & […]
Files for this project here are on sale for a limited time! https://fragoutdesign/product-page/mossberg-build-bundle #mossberg #laserengraving #firearms #guns #shotgun #mossberg500 #sportingclays #hunting #rifle #fiberlaser #scrollart #adobeillustrator #vectorart #fragoutfirearms Thanks for watching! -SAWATTS To see more of my work and about myself and FDS head on over to my Website!!! FragoutDesign UCBNAZeQsGbFm2joS9c7JKgA laser engraving #Laser #Engraving #Hand […]
A tutorial teaching you how to design a sign that can be laser-cut. The process is done by utilizing the free open-source Inkscape software. In this tutorial we are converting an image in JPEG format into a vector and thereafter exporting it as a DXF filetype for importing into laser cutting software RDWORKS so that […]
Custom firearms Engraving Vector Designs, builds, templates, patterns and more!!! Link to my Store here for ya! https://fragoutdesign/shop #LaserEngraving #Firearms #Guns #Engraving #metalEngraving #illustrator #artist #FiberLaser #art #graphicdesign #fragoutdesign #FragoutFirearms Thanks for watching! -SAWATTS To see more of my work and about myself and FDS head on over to my Website!!! FragoutDesign UCBNAZeQsGbFm2joS9c7JKgA laser engraved […]
Quick video on making my own wood business cards using the Next Wave Automation Shark HD4. The veneer is 2 ply walnut purchased through Rockler (only available online). The thickness of the veneer worked out perfectly. Any thinner, and it would have burnt all the way through. tg-woodworking Music courtesy of: Bensound Song used is […]
Aprehensive set of video tutorials showing you how to get the most out of your Laser machine. Wee to the first of a series of videos that aim to teach you how to use a laser cutter. In this video, Russ reveals his new Lightblade 4060-60 laser cutting and engraving machine and gives an overview […]