We will continue are journey to explore and will build a seamoth to explore the greater depths of the ocean. UCktVyCBWDjEkIRYrUyaYl_w laser cutter #Subnautica #ep2 #Seamoth #laser #cutter #attacked
We will continue are journey to explore and will build a seamoth to explore the greater depths of the ocean. UCktVyCBWDjEkIRYrUyaYl_w laser cutter #Subnautica #ep2 #Seamoth #laser #cutter #attacked
► I’m live everyday, I’m probably live right now! Come stop by and hang out: https://twitch.tv/WilFresco DO NOT CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/WilFresco Here I show you guys how to find the laser cutter fragments here in Subnautica. If this video helps you in a any way, please leave a like cause it helps more than you’ll […]
The fragment location is …….. Exactly! ☁ Subscribe, for more daily Videos! : https://goo.gl/resWPX ☁ Follow me on Twitter! : https://twitter.com/VillainCloud ☁ Instagram! : https://instagram.com/villaincloud/?hl=en ☁ Help Our community to grow by Sharing and leaving a like! UCtxhHCzA5EyRvVW21byLG_g laser cutter #Laser #Cutter #Tool #Fragment #Location #Subnautica
Hey peeps, here is an easy way to find the laser cutter fragments in 2018. Close by and no danger besides for sand sharks but this is subnautica so expect at least a little danger and take a med kit or two before you go. You don’t need fancy stuff to find the fragments but […]
▶ Subscribe For MORE Subnautica! – http://tinyurl/PythonGB ▶ Subnautica FULL RELEASE – Finally crafting the Laser Cutter and getting to work exploring some ship wreckages! ▶ GET SUBNAUTICA HERE – http://store.steampowered/app/264710/Subnautica/ ● (AD) Powered by Chillblast! Want an epic PC while supporting me at the same time? Check out the Python PC – http://tinyurl/PythonPC – […]
Wee to another tutorial on Subanutica and today I show you how to make the Laser cutter. It’s an important tool needed to get into sealed doors on the wrecks in Subanutica. Mainly this video cover finding the most difficult item being Diamond and where to find it. The rest of the items needed should […]
In this video I will show you where you can find Fragments for the Laser Cutter in Subnautica. Hope this Helps:) The Laser Cutter is a Very important tool/equipment that you will need to access and explore through certain wrecks and you’ll need it to explore throughout the Aurora as well so I rmend getting […]
In this Subnautica Below Zero guide, I will show you where to find the laser cutter fragments to unlock the blueprint. We will head East, towards the Arctic Kelp Caves and search the Sea Monkey nests for the fragments. In the walkthrough, I will also give rmendations of the equipment that you will need, which […]
This video shows how to find Laser Cutter fragments in Subnautica Below Zero. Short, sweet, and efficient, I hope it helps anyone looking. Nest 1: -473 / -83 / -89 || Nest 2: -503 / -133 / 5 || Nest 3: -461 / -139 / -88 Remember to Be Kind, Stay Legendary, and May The […]
having a laser cutter is going to bring you to all of the good loot that is hidden in the crash sites all over the map. #subnautica Playlist: Tags: how to make a laser cutter in subnautica, subnautica laser cutter, where to find the blueprints for the laser cutter in subnautica, how to get through […]