SGA sublimation ( A Unit of Shri Gopal Arts) Shop no- 277/1, First Floor, Sector-19, Shastri Colony , Faridadad, Haryana- 121002 … UCipU3e_qs7NtIUkvSJfp6-w co2 laser cutting machine #MONTH #REAL #REVIEW #CO2 #LASER #CUTTING #MACHINE #laser
SGA sublimation ( A Unit of Shri Gopal Arts) Shop no- 277/1, First Floor, Sector-19, Shastri Colony , Faridadad, Haryana- 121002 … UCipU3e_qs7NtIUkvSJfp6-w co2 laser cutting machine #MONTH #REAL #REVIEW #CO2 #LASER #CUTTING #MACHINE #laser
Ever wondered why your laser engravers performance has decreased? Have you cleaned it recently? Today we cleaned out our Nozzle and lens housing and found something crazy….. Tons of little particles and the external case of the nozzle was covered in soot. We cleaned these parts off and now have an extreme increase in power. […]
In today’s studio vlog, I’m showing you how I laser engrave my Etsy Shop orders, as well as all the normal sublimation printing, garment printing and packing orders. You can find me here: ✦ Instagram: instagram/hanmade_designs ✦ Skillshare Class: https://skillshare/classes/iPad-Lettering-in-Procreate-the-very-basics-to-get-you-started./796411308/projects ✦ Procreate Brushes: https://app.gumroad/hanmadedesigns ✦ Etsy Shop: https://etsy/shop/hanmadedesignsuk You can help Support me here: ✦ […]