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Arduino based Laser Engraver More information about the machine is available on Instructables: http://instructables.com/id/Arduino-Laser-Engraver/ More pictures at: getburnt.weebly.com Also, visit the Obrary blog for some laser engraving tips: http://blog.obrary.com/tips-for-a-diy-laser Major Components: – 1x 445nm Laser Diode (1.5-2W) – 2x 16mm Ballscrews (400mm length, C7 rating) – 4x 16mm Linear bearings on 16mm shafts – 2x […]
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Heavy Duty Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting Machines, High Speed CNC Laser Cutting Solution Modern Technology X-Machines Channel Website: https://xmachines-co.com/ Fanpage: https://facebook.com/X-Machines-109490185023529 SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3e8Hz7t We would like to support all companies or people to promote their products, service, or company. If you need our support, don’t hesitate to contact us via wowtv2050gmail.com. If you are a […]
Further information: https://trumpf.com/en_INT/products/machines-systems/2d-laser-cutting-machines With the additional RotoLas device, you can also process tubes and profiles on your 2D laser cutting machine. You can convert your machine from flatbed to tube processing within a very short time. A flexible loading system different tubes and profiles with absolute accuracy, facilitating processing of XXL-format tubes and profiles with […]
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Review of AUFERO Laser Engraver and Cutter by Ortur. “Best Portable Diode Laser Engraver and Laser Cutter.” Use the coupon code (THEDOTISBLACK) to get 10% off on the Aufero Laser Engraver: https://auferolaser.net/products/aufero-laser-1-best-portable-diode-laser-engraver This is a review of the plug and play AUFERO portable laser engraver and cutter by Ortur. It is a budget laser engraver/cutter. […]
Panasonic Industry presents its multifarious laboratories and application centers on the new Panasonic Campus in Munich. Find out about our solutions for Laser Marking and Laser Welding. UCMxCCicUMw6VURuvLlh_nGw laser marking #Panasonic #Industry #Laser #Marking #Processing #Laboratory