UCoL0uG0Z3WKEdEGRVFsnX5w laser cutting #pendant #laser #cutting
UCoL0uG0Z3WKEdEGRVFsnX5w laser cutting #pendant #laser #cutting
Kristin, our George Brown College intern, is making some fun simple acrylic jewellery designs, including acrylic necklace and pendants, on the Trotec Speedy 360. Check out this video to see how fast and easy it is to make acrylic jewellery! —————————————————————————————— To get a quote on our laser engraving and cutting machines, please contact us […]
Shiv Laser Works (Complete Laser Solution) Cutting, Marking & Engraving #shivlaserworks #slw #laser #laserengraving #lasermarking #lasercutting #marking #engraving #cutting #engraved #lasernoida #laserindia #laserworld #laserncr #laserdelhi #india #gold #golden #jewelry #lastesjewelry #lasermachine #goldcut #goldnametag “How to Cut | Customized | Latest | Gold | Jewelry | Laser Cutting | Machine | India” ————- Support my Channel […]
Mini fiber laser engraver size is very small, which is suit for home using. One set 50w fiber laser engraver not only can engrave or deep engraving on metal material but also can cut gold silver. Then one set 50w mini fiber laser engraver can make firearms and jewelry. The software operation is very friendly. […]
Laser Cutting and Engraving Tutorial for how to create an engraving design using Adobe Illustrator CC UCH-ZplS_DiIJ83SHW8ywWZQ laser engraved #Laser #Engraved #Wood #Pendant
How to make a cutting file for a laser cut tree pendant. This shows how to use the place, trace and pathfinder tools to make a ready to cut pendant. To see what I’ve been making check out my insta page @boshdesign.au or visit my website boshdesign.au or my etsy story Bosh Design. UCH-ZplS_DiIJ83SHW8ywWZQ laser […]