作者:激光超人. UCOROtWbF4S0_EzorPHJHS0w laser cutting for #激光超人 #laser #cutting #塑料用激光切割會是什么樣子的激光切割機 #激光切割塑料 #塑料切割機97
作者:激光超人. UCOROtWbF4S0_EzorPHJHS0w laser cutting for #激光超人 #laser #cutting #塑料用激光切割會是什么樣子的激光切割機 #激光切割塑料 #塑料切割機97
3D-design for 2D-prototyping can sometimes be a beast to tackle, and at best with a lot of structural and aesthetic limitations. Here, we make that process a little easier by designing with layered laser-cut parts that allow for some more creative and dimensional approaches to what would normally be traditional woodworking joinery. We cover the […]
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