Visit our Maker Space! http://katapultlabs.com Find us on Facebook! https://facebook.com/katapultlibratory/ Video Credit: Cory Brubaker UCqcc7DFYs3ZcC36wI8K8ZXA laser engraving #Clean #Laser #EngravingCutting #Machine #Bed
Visit our Maker Space! http://katapultlabs.com Find us on Facebook! https://facebook.com/katapultlibratory/ Video Credit: Cory Brubaker UCqcc7DFYs3ZcC36wI8K8ZXA laser engraving #Clean #Laser #EngravingCutting #Machine #Bed
Hey everyone! In this Laser Engraver project video I use my Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver to upcycle old cigar boxes by putting new images and logos on the lids! You can usually pick up old cigar boxes for a few bucks and these would make a unique one of a kind gift for a special […]
3.5w Diode Laser (Blue Laser) Engraved Calendar on Scrap Wood during quarantine. #stayhome #staysafe Laser engraving machine for wood. #laser #engraving #wood #laserlighting #tips #lifehack -hard or soft woods -leather -acrylic -foam -paper -cardboard -plastics -stone -granite -leather -textiles -painted metals -anodized aluminum -most organic materials Thank you watching us!!! Subscribe My Chanel..!!! Thank You. […]
Some of the parts for my K40 mods have started to arrive, including everything I need to replace the crappy fumes extraction solution the K40 comes with, so let’s take a look at what I am going to use for air & fume extraction. Here is the download link for the STL for the air […]
Making and mounting the 4 Stepper Mounts and installing the Leadscrews for the LaserBed. Plenty of Fails / Redo’s / Problems, but c’mon that’s what diy is all about right 😉 enjoy Leadscrews Banggood: http://banggood.com/T8-300mm-Stainless-Steel-Lead-Screw-Set-with-Shaft-Coupling-and-Mounted-Ball-Bearing-p-995057.html Linear Rails Aliexpress: http://aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-9mm-Linear-Guide-MGN9-L-200mm-linear-rail-way-MGN9C-or-MGN9H-Long-linear/32525095448.html Cnc Operation #1 1/8″ – 3.175mm Single Flute Cutter 32mm Cutting Length (600mm/min 8000rpm) (1mm Depth […]
After two years of work, here’s the project finally completed: a laser engraver made out of two DVD drives, an Arduino and some MDF. The project with a French commentary: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qwqEeIWPEQU Instructable: https://instructables.com/id/DIY-Laser-Engraver-With-RGB/ ————————————————– Shopping list: _ Laser safety glasses: https://banggood.com/custlink/3vvE9GfhLC _A Laser module (minimum 500mW to get some decent engravings): https://banggood.com/custlink/mGmhImwRld _Arduino and CNC […]
You can buy it here:https://atomstack.net/products/atomstack-x7-pro-50w-flagship-laser-engraving-machine My :kejidotgmail.com Thanks for watching! UCq0OCgvyhWPiK_DoReJnisg laser engraving machine #10W #Dual #Laser #Power #Output #Atomstack #Pro #Laser #Engraving #Machine #Unboxing #test
http://ponoko.com How to combine shapes in Illustrator for laser cutting | Ponoko Personal Factory – design, make & build your own custom products UCngKMYJdBh4KMAnda0fLDDw laser cutting for #combine #shapes #Adobe #Illustrator #laser #cutting
Tronxy XY-3 SE A powerful creative tool for makers that combines 3 essential features: Detailed 3D printing, Dual color 3D printing and Laser Engraving into one compact, easy to use printer. You can buy it here:http://bit.ly/3mLqjs0 My :kejidotgmail.com Thanks for watching! UCq0OCgvyhWPiK_DoReJnisg laser engraving #Tronxy #XY3 #Printer #Laser #Engraving #Machine #Unboxing #test
I ordered some laser cut parts from Ponoko and I wanted to do a video on the unboxing and first impressions of the parts. If your curious how there parts come shipped or how they look and how clean the cuts are check out this video Really happy overall with the cutting they did for […]