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We are dealing in CNC Machine, C02 Laser Machine, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical Projects. 1. Laser Cutting and Engraving up to 12mm thikness 2. Aluminum Milling Works 3. SS and MS Milling Works 4. Electrical/Electronics FYP and Other Industrial Projects 5. CNC Machine Electrical Solutions _________________________Social Links____________________________________ Visit Our Website : https://ronandecors.blogspot.com/ FaceBook : https://web.facebook.com/Ronand-Decors-107293618479430 […]
These rolling pins are handmade on the Sapphire Coast of Australia. The designs are all hand drawn. We would love suggestions for designs. If you have any question just ask The recipe: http://bakeandcut.com/gingernuts/ You can purchase them from: http://bakeandcut.com/shop/ or http://helmreichjoinery.com/flat-… UC4Nn1BPWlM0v5YEmclRSICg laser engraved #Laser #Engraved #Rolling #Pins
This galvo type co2 laser machine is mainly for no-metal materials marking and engravings, such as wood engraving, leather engraving, glass engraving. It ‘s much more fast speed and higher processing precision than traditional cnc type co2 laser engraving machine. Any other questions, just feel free to write to me: hellomike612naver.com or send me message […]
Let’s see how is the performance of LE-4040 5000mW Laser Engraver on the glass mirror. Laser engraving on glass mirror. Amazon Purchase Link: https://amzn.to/2ZT2Psm Website Purchase Link: https://bit.ly/3dkkFdm Facebook users group https://facebook.com/groups/715689485864421 UCZvo2zCMQzU8l4SJ5LEC7yg laser engraver #FoxAlien #LE4040 #Laser #Engraver #tests #glass #mirror #Part
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Review on what it means to focus your laser and how to perform this task on both manual and auto setups. Laser Blog: https://beardedbuildsco.com/blogs/laser-blog Affiliate Links OMTech Lasers: https://omtechlaser.com/LSG Affiliate code “LASERGUYS” Coupon code “LASERGUYS5OFF” Amazon.com/shop/beardedbuildsco Socials: Instagram.com/beardedbuildsco Facebook.com/beardedbuildsco UCdjlnfWvffdye8VIApqIfiQ co2 laser #Focusing #Co2 #laser #Manual #Auto #Focus
Over the last couple of years, I have engraved thousands of mugs and other drinkware. I’ve recently gotten more flask requests and decided that it would be a good idea to share the tricks that I learned along the way. I hope that sharing these tricks will make it easier for others to avoid some […]
This week we’re combining many different materials and techniques to make this amazing Laser Cut and UV Printed LED Sign using our Trotec Speedy 400 laser cutting machine. We’ve used our laser-friendly polyethylene foam as backing for the sign and where we place our LED lights. We’ve UV printed a picture of the moon using […]
The best small industrial high power laser engraver and cutter for everyone. ★ Better experience Faster engraving,up to 20,000mm/min Stronger cutting power,10w True Optical Power Higher precision,TMC silent Stepper drivers ★ Smarter Operation Easy to use; Engrave what you want in time ★ Safety performance improvement 7 major security guarantees ★ Better adaptability More usage […]