UCjKW2V8oGlFeNDBCrIR_kMQ laser marking #Han39s #laser #marking #software #demostration
UCjKW2V8oGlFeNDBCrIR_kMQ laser marking #Han39s #laser #marking #software #demostration
1.Eagle eye technology(optional) 2.Direct drive system with high torque servo motor 3.Auto exchanging table with hydraulic lifting system 4.Optimized cutting technology with programmable 5.Laser frequency and focus position Company Name: HAN’S SONGU INTELLIGENT Mob/Whatsapp: ++86-139-25898201 / +86-188-26950666 E-mail: ym@ymlaser Official website: https://songulaser/ UCZSrxw7kfey87R5V9YTi7Aw laser cutting machine #HAN39S #SONGU #Mach #Series #Fully #automatic #Fiber #Laser #Cutting […]
UCjKW2V8oGlFeNDBCrIR_kMQ laser marking #Han39s #laser #Marking #software #demonstration #lite