Tag Archives: glowforge

How to Make Layered Geometric Art with a Laser Cutter,Tim Ung

I’ve always admired the beautiful geometry in cathedral windows and Islamic art and architecture because of both the repetition and complexity of their designs. A project that has been on my mind for over a year is inspired by repetitious patterns and geometries. I’ve been hesitant to try designing a complex pattern and creating a […]

Experimenting – Leather Laser Cutting Techniques – Mini How To Tutorial,Maker Tales

I share what I learnt from trying a whole host of different leather laser cutting techniques. Learn How to control the results of laser cutting leather through my many mistakes. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get back to them as soon as […]

CNC vs Laser. Which Should You Get First?,Make Something

Comparing the pros and cons of CNC routers and laser cutters Brought to you by Squarespace. For 10% off your first purchase, go to: Tools and Supplies (affiliate links) Stepcraft CNC Router: Glowforge Laser Cutter: Composite Nailer: Patreon Support: Plans and Merch: My Other YouTube Channel: My Audio Podcast: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Make Something #CNC […]

Tested: Dremel Digilab LC40 Laser Cutter,Adam Savage’s Tested

We test and review Dremel’s Digilab LC40 laser cutter, a 40 watt hobby laser designed for personal workshops and maker spaces. We go over its setup, safety features, and capabilities, including the differences between it and other glass tube lasers in its class. There’s a lot to like here! Find the laser cutter here: Disclaimer: […]

How to make a DIY Laser Engraver – CoreXY | Part 1,Makers Mashup

Today is day one of our DIY Laser Engraver build. In this video we will build the entire CoreXY motion system of our laser engraver. Many of the parts are 3D Printed and will require a 3D Printer. This same frame can be used for vinyl cutters and plotters. This is a quick project and […]

The Makeblock Laserbox- Best Hobby Lasercutter You Can Buy?,Naomi ‘SexyCyborg’ Wu

I check out an amazing intelligent lasercutter that promises to make laser cutting and engraving easy. Makeblock Laserbox: Laserbox Price Quotes: Abdalla on Fiverr.com (laser artwork): LightBurn: Jingke 4060 Lasercutter: Email: [email protected] & [email protected] Joel “The 3D Printing Nerd”: Angus “The Maker’s Muse”: Sponsor me, get early access to my videos, exclusive access to my […]

Laser Engraving Tips – Engraving Cuttings Boards – Defocus, LPI, Slop Error, and More!,That Mom with a Laser

Hey Maker. Remember that time you forgot to adjust your LPI so defocusing didn’t work and then you even got a slop error? Haha, just kidding! That’s me, throwing some laser lingo your way 😉 Let’s take some time today to understand the top four things you want to keep in mind when you’re engraving […]

BEST LASER CUTTER FOR HOME USE // Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Muse 3D over a Glowforge,Steve Makes Everything

Which is the best laser cutter for home use or your small workshop? This video discusses the top 5 reasons to buy a Muse 3D over a Glowforge and why I made that choice for my maker space and small business. It can be a nervous moment spending several thousand dollars on a piece of […]

OUTSELL the COMPETITION! Laser Engraved Wood Utensil SECRETS,Samcraft

Sharing more business secrets and how to outsell your competition with laser engraved wooden cooking utensils! ⬇️ TOOL LINKS ⬇️ Our Family’s Small Business: 🔗 Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro: 🔗 Ortur Enclosure: 🔗 Fusion5 Tablet: 🔗 Bluetooth Keyboard: 🔗 Finish Oil: 🔗 Finish Wax: 🔗 Wax Applicator: 🔗 Sandpaper I Use: 🔗 All My […]

I Built A Laser Cutter! (For Under $700!),Owen Schafer

So, laser cutters are pretty cool. I’ve Wanted one for quite a while, the only thing stopping me from getting one being the cost. A few Months ago, however, I realized that building one from scratch was less difficult than I thought, So I decided to try and build one cheaply to save some money. […]

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