Checkout the facebook group I created for Fiber Laser Owners Here is a more recent video of it cutting Ramsey Customs – turbocobra #imported #Fiber #Laser #Cutter #China
Checkout the facebook group I created for Fiber Laser Owners Here is a more recent video of it cutting Ramsey Customs – turbocobra #imported #Fiber #Laser #Cutter #China
I was lucky enough to test out and show off the brand new XTool D1 Pro 20w diode laser. During my initial test I ran into some that cut my testing way shorter than I expected, though even with just a few test cuts I am blow away by what this amount of laser power […]
25 lasered products and ideas of products I’ve made and sold. having and running my custom product line has allowed me to leave my career as a teacher and go full tike as a maker. I hope this inspires you to see a small portion of what the world of lasering is capable of. link […]
link to laser used in this video XTool D1 use promo code: chadsxTool 5% off of D1 Pro, bundle and accessories and is active until Aug 31 I used to think most diode lasers were just glorified toys especially compared to my big expensive co2 lasers, but the XTool D1 changed my mind with their […]