UCdMcMP3zAiruUy_35CyQlNQ laser engraving #DIY #Satisfying #Laser #Engraving #shorts
UCdMcMP3zAiruUy_35CyQlNQ laser engraving #DIY #Satisfying #Laser #Engraving #shorts
This video demonstrates how to laser etch/engrave denim with the Glowforge laser engraver. I have a glowforge plus laser, so the settings are for any glowforge laser. If any of the instructions are unclear of if you have any questions or suggestions, leave us a comment in the section below. We create videos several times […]
Hey! This is me going through the process of laser engraving and cutting, then sanding, painting, and finishing a Hogwarts Crest out of birch plywood. This listing on my shop: http://etsy.me/2ukpSi5 Visit me on Etsy http://etsy.com/shop/gamevetz Music – DJ AG https://youtu.be/kr-rnZIoMkU Hedwig’s Theme Remix Original Theme composed by John Williams UCzS1rwzRSGKcL8M53rNPJHw laser engraved #Making #wooden […]
baiweilasergmail.com 008615838088573 This Computerized Mini Laser Engraving Machine is suitable for various materials, such as bamboo piece, double-color planks, boulder, horns, leather, crystal, wood, organic plastic, fabrics, paper ,film, canvas , Acrylic, Plastics and painted/coated metals (metals that are not coated or painted will require a LMM spray). This small laser engraver is suitable to […]
⟶ Collect my art: http://paigepoppe.com/shop Welcome! Today I’m sharing my process of making a study model using Rhino modeling, digital fabrication, and a laser cutter. This is just a quick and dirty model, not a big finish model or anything, but it was fun to film! Thank you for watching😍 x, Paige Music: “40 Days” […]
The Snapmaker Original is a small but mighty 3-in-1 desktop 3D printer, CNC, and laser engraver. I’ve had mine for a while, but only recently decided to step out of my 3D printing comfort zone and test out the other functions. Of course, I still managed to sneak in some printing! Shopping List : – […]
Designed by Laseraxe 35X50cm ultra large engraving area. gantry shape design, no engraving height limitation. Adjustable power 405nm 5500mW violet laser module with heatsink, high laser engraving power and long lifetime. It is ideal for amateur laser engraving usage low-light positioning and freedom positioning functions.It only need you to connect it to the computer,then you […]
#eezyrobots #laser #engraver One of the objects that has always been on top of my wish list, was a Laser Engraver Finally I get one from GearBest, is a DIY 2W A5 Laser Engraver. I made some videos and tutorials about the assembly and the usage of this useful object here the link http://goo.gl/ishspx more […]
Hy There, In this video i will show you my new laser engraver NEJE MASTER 3500 I think it’s preatty good laser engraver for the price, specially useful is CNC cutting. More details and specifivcations you can read below. You can buy these items here: Neje machines on neje store: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1634981&u=2689002&m=101855&urllink=&afftrack=717061 Different moduls from neje […]
#lasercutter #graviermaschine #lasergravurmaschine Der 40W Laser aus dem Video: https://amzn.to/3FHCrEN* Der 50W Laser aus dem Video: https://amzn.to/3M6f0IZ* Stärkere Co2 Laser: 60W Laser: https://amzn.to/3RDctss* 80W Laser: https://amzn.to/3esImEX* 100W Laser: https://amzn.to/3RzjqKN* Langsamer und günstiger Diodenlaser zum Einstieg: https://amzn.to/3qrExTu* (Lightburn nutzbar) Wichtiges Laser-Zubehör für Co2-Laser: CE-Zertifizierte Schutzbrille: https://amzn.to/3BpxLnj* Rotationsachse: https://amzn.to/3TWrmas* Bester Wasserkühler: https://amzn.to/3qxT0wQ* Ersatz-Laserröhren: https://amzn.to/3m9cjKi* Ersatz-Netzteile: https://amzn.to/3B5k4IR* Tipps […]