Tag Archives: Cutter

Laser Cutter Materials For All Laser Cutters,Daniel Oliver McElroy

Here is an overview of materials that can be laser cut on laser cutters. We have a 40 watt Dremel. There are other bigger cutters that can handle thicker material, or even steel. Daniel Oliver McElroy #Laser #Cutter #Materials #Laser #Cutters

How the Glowforge Laser Cutter Works,Adam Savage’s Tested

Check out our in-depth interview about the Glowforge laser cutter here: Earlier this month, we introduced the Glowforge, a new laser cutter that’s designed to be accessible and easy to use in the home or workshop. A lot of you had questions about how it worked, and we wanted to learn more about it as […]

Two Trees TTS-55 5.5W DIY Laser Engraver Laser Cutter Complete Review,alishanmao

Hello guys, it’s alishanmao and welcome to my YouTube channel. Today you will see complete and detailed review of Two Trees, TTS-55 DIY Laser Engraver and Laser cutter. TTS-55 is equipped with 5.5W laser that is powerful enough to cut through 8mm thick wood. Its a very good laser engraver and cutter for DIY laser […]

Quick Look: Muse 3D Laser Cutter By Full Spectrum Lasers,Make:

The Muse 3D is supplied by FSLaser.com For a full review, join us at Community.make.co or pick up a future issue of Make Magazine! The book you see me cut is a modified version of this: music: So you have to specify the author in your project: Music from “Funkorama” by Kevin MacLeod ( License: […]

Laser Cutter Focus – Measuring Focal Point and Depth of Cut,makestuffnow!

Update: Install lens with curved side up! I get confused and say it wrong in the video. To get a good cut or engraving you need to know where you laser is focusing correctly. Here is a method to check the true focal point of your laser head and determine the potential depth of cut. […]

Affordable GOLD SILVER Jewelry Laser Cutting Engraving Marking Machine | Jewellery Cutter Engraver,BOGONG MACHINERY

BOGONG MACHINERY produce and sell GOLD SILVER BRASS Jewelry Laser Cutting Engraving Marking Machine, this laser machine also named Jewellery Laser Cutter If you want to get one Jewelry Laser machine or u need more information about BOGONG laser engraver, please email us to [email protected]. For quickly response, online chat way is available by Whatsapp: […]

Laser cutter and engraver for building my RC model airplanes,Joyplanes RC

No more ads on my videos if you watch them from Lbry Finally, a laser cutter and engraver that I can use to cut the balsa wood and plywood pieces to build my RC airplanes, perfect cuts every time! 【 You can buy the machine here: 】 ☛ 10% off coupon: BGF1003863 ☛ expiry date: […]

K40 Chinese Laser Cutter & Engraver – Unboxing and Getting Started – First Cut,Indoor Technology

On this video I’m doing my best to be short and still give all the information needed in order to power on the chinese laser for the first time in a safely manner. Best info on why you need to wear extra eye protection: Thank you, @Mancave Effects for this extraordinary video K40 Laser: Co2 […]

Runmecy Most Compact Laser Engraver Laser Cutter Review,alishanmao

Meet Runmecy, The Most Compact Laser Engraver & Cutter. Enjoy endless versatility and creativity on any surface included the metal with a powerful 5w laser. Laser Engaver: 5.5W DIY Laser Engraver Cutter: The Runmecy is a laser engraver and cutter that bundles more power, speed, and safety into a sleek and compact design than any […]

Calibrating XY axis on chinese laser cutter with RDWorks software.,makestuffnow!

If you have a laser cutter controller with the RDWorks software it is easy to calibrate the stepper motors so it cuts lengths accurately. here is the procedure for measuring and applying the settings to the machine. makestuffnow! #Calibrating #axis #chinese #laser #cutter #RDWorks #software

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