UCKiCJLIu9AU1eaaTseGN0rA laser engraver for #Convert #Prusa #Laser #Engraver
UCKiCJLIu9AU1eaaTseGN0rA laser engraver for #Convert #Prusa #Laser #Engraver
A video showing you how to do a simple design in blender 2.83 to then export it for laser cutting. Blender is starting to become an incredibly powerful and versatile tool for a myriad of things. This video will show you how to go about designing and setting offset for laser cutting in blender, as […]
In this quick video guide I will show you how you can use your 3d printer as a laser engraver and I won’t cost you more that 40$. Most of 3d printers are just an upgraded version of a laser engraver so If you own a 3d printer you basically have a laserengraver without the […]
What is up guy, it is so nice to see your smiling faces 🙂 In this video I will show you my version, how I convered prusa i3 3d printer to a 2.5W laser engraver/cutter. Of course you can use any type of laser from 500mW up to 10W but overall a 2.5 is strong […]