Tag Archives: cnc

Instant Customization Machine – Fokoos FE20 Budget CNC Laser Engraver Review,RCwithAdam

Check out for custom printed circuit boards, electronics, and rapid prototyping services! ⚠️ USE DISCOUNT CODE “RCwithAdam” and pay $199 for each unit on the FOKOOS Store, Until June15th, 2022 Also, you can check out the FOKOOS community So here’s basically the bottom line: Based on my generally positive experience with the FE20 so far, I’m […]

I made a Laser Engraver from my 3D Printer #Shorts,Creative Electronics

I made a Laserengraver from my regular 3D Printer! The software I used to generate the Gcode is LightBurn. There are coming more #shorts like this one soon, so subscribe! Music in this video: A Himitsu – Adventures #Shorts #Supershorts #CNC #Lasercutting #Laserengraving #Laser #DIY #3Dprinter #YTShorts #Youtubeshorts #Viral Thanks for watching! Like share and […]

Making an enclosure for my Laser engraver,Ollari’s

I got this 2500mW Laser engraver from gearbest .com. To protect it from the dust in the shop and manage the fume extraction I build an enclosure for it. Its made from 12mm thick plywood and 3mm acrylic. I salvaged a fan, switch and some wires from an old PC Power supply. For the fume […]

The FIRST Laser Cutter A Newbie Should BUY!,Myers Woodshop

#laser #k40 #40w Glowforge? Xtool? Diode? CO2? Laser? printer laser cutter? It gets confusing. In this video, I share what I think should be the very first Laser any beginner to Laser Cutting/Engraving should buy. And it’s only $500 bucks! This is the K40, the 40w laser engraver cutter from @Monport Laser Lasers. Follow @RowdyRoman […]

lazer cutting / cnc laser cutting #lasercutting #lasercuttingGate,A One Steel Fabrication

/ welcome to my channel 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 ( A One steel fabrication / lazer cutting / cnc laser cutting #lasercutting #lasercuttingGate ((((((((¡!!!!¡ your queries ¡!!!!¡)))))))) 1) l modern Gate photos size 3 y 7 2) steel and loha mix fancy gate design photo link size 3y7 3 ) Steel modern Gate size 3y7 4) front man […]

LaserMen LM-9060-2 CO2 laser cutting engraving machine for acrylic paper wood#co2lasercutter,Jinan LaserMen CNC Equipment Co.,Ltd

Contact us at: Email: [email protected] Phone, WhatsApp, WeChat: +86-15508686690 www.lasermencnc.com #lasermen #lasercuttingmachine #fiberlasercutter Jinan LaserMen CNC Equipment Co.,Ltd #LaserMen #LM90602 #CO2 #laser #cutting #engraving #machine #acrylic #paper #woodco2lasercutter

DIY Rotary Attachment for my DIY Laser Cutter,Further Fabrication

Free Cut Files: PARTS LIST: (affiliate links) 1x Nema 17 Stepper Motor – 2x 330mm Steel rod, 8mm OD – 2x 300mm 2020 t-slot aluminum extrusion – 4x 608 Skateboard Bearing 22mm OD, 8mm Bore – 2x 20 tooth gt2 pulley, 8mm Bore – 1x 20 tooth gt2 pulley, 5mm Bore – 1x gt2 6mm […]

The Atomstack X7 Pro Laser Engraver Is On Another Level,Neo7CNC

I’ve pinned timestamps in the first comment so you can skip around the longer than usual video. Be sure to visit the Neo7CNC website for additional information and pictures. Thanks for watching! Atomstack X7 Pro Laser Engraver (check each for best price) Amazon Direct from Atomstack Neo7CNC website post on the Atomstack X7 Pro Software: […]

8 laser cutting machines in action,Interesting Engineering

Have you ever seen the laser cutting process in action? Watching it is mesmerizing and oddly satisfying as the lasers cut through the sturdiest of elements. In this video, we bring you some of the best, most exciting laser cutters out there including metal cutters, engravers, and fiber laser cutters. There’s the fastest laser engraving […]

How the Glowforge Laser Cutter Works,Adam Savage’s Tested

Check out our in-depth interview about the Glowforge laser cutter here: Earlier this month, we introduced the Glowforge, a new laser cutter that’s designed to be accessible and easy to use in the home or workshop. A lot of you had questions about how it worked, and we wanted to learn more about it as […]

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