Tag Archives: chinese

K40/Chinese CO2 laser cutter/engraver buyer’s guide

I just got myself a CO2 laser cutter and it was daunting knowing which one to buy. After many hours of research, I present to you this buyer’s guide with a breakdown of what features and specifications to look for when shopping. In this video I am definitely standing on the shoulders of giants, so […]

Chinese laser cutter tutorial part 1,SarbarMultimedia

Here are the links to all 6 parts of the initial training videos. Introduction and look at machine Laser theory and safety issues Loading the software and quick look Power-up and test First programs Nerdy test stuff and summary Links to other useful videos A novice user Another user Material processing guide SarbarMultimedia #Chinese #laser […]

K40 40W Chinese CO2 laser Cutter Engraver ,Unboxing and First Tests,kukomio

K40 Chinese CO2 laser Cutter/Engraver 40W – My experience the cheap aliexpress k40 co2 laser Cutter/Engraver if you want to support my channel : PayPal Donate Button Link : Focus Lens USA – reflective Mirrors for Laser 40W CO2 USB Laser Engraving Cutting Machine K40 Cloudray Co2 Glass Laser Tube 700MM 40W amazon 40W CO2 […]

Everything You Need to Know About the K40 Chinese Laser Cutter,MKme Lab

The K40 Chines laser cutter is a GREAT bargain but needs a few mods to make it really shine. See Part 2 HERE! Check out PCBWay Full length video K40 Mods/Upgrades: Become a channel member! Join the Patreon Squad! Buy the K40 here: Exact same model: On eBay (one I bought from USA) All the […]

K40 Chinese Laser Cutter & Engraver – Unboxing and Getting Started – First Cut,Indoor Technology

On this video I’m doing my best to be short and still give all the information needed in order to power on the chinese laser for the first time in a safely manner. Best info on why you need to wear extra eye protection: Thank you, @Mancave Effects for this extraordinary video K40 Laser: Co2 […]

Calibrating XY axis on chinese laser cutter with RDWorks software.,makestuffnow!

If you have a laser cutter controller with the RDWorks software it is easy to calibrate the stepper motors so it cuts lengths accurately. here is the procedure for measuring and applying the settings to the machine. makestuffnow! #Calibrating #axis #chinese #laser #cutter #RDWorks #software

Does this Laser Engraver Make Sense in your Workshop? Wireless Metal Engraving by Runmecy,Chads Custom Creations

(update) it has been brought to my attention that this has the highest probability of being a scam as a large number of backers have not received their machines and the company has gone silent. My deepest apologies for anyone that has backed this project because of my review. This is my full hands on […]

Best Chinese Co2 Laser Cutter Engraver in 2022 Red VS Blue,Chads Custom Creations

In this video I compare my original no name Ebay 60w Co2 Laser to this 90w Co2 Laser Made by If interested in purchasing or pricing inquires email the owner at [email protected] tell him Chad sent you made by www.rmlaser.com [email protected] Consider subscribing and clicking the notification bell if you enjoy what I am uploading […]

The Most Ultimate Desktop Laser Cutter Engraver The XTool D1 Pro 20w,Chads Custom Creations

I was lucky enough to test out and show off the brand new XTool D1 Pro 20w diode laser. During my initial test I ran into some that cut my testing way shorter than I expected, though even with just a few test cuts I am blow away by what this amount of laser power […]

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