I ordered a Boss Laser cutting machine for my shop. Its been a long process but it finally got delivered today! UCaegWtm_7zJU-dWG0StCupQ laser cutting machine #DELIVERED #BOSS #LASER #CUTTING #Machine
I ordered a Boss Laser cutting machine for my shop. Its been a long process but it finally got delivered today! UCaegWtm_7zJU-dWG0StCupQ laser cutting machine #DELIVERED #BOSS #LASER #CUTTING #Machine
Join George as he shares the motivation and logic in buying a Class 1 CO2 laser. Will it be an Aeon, Thunder Omtech, or Boss? Motivation and Justification are big elements in a decision. Shop space is a big part of any decision. If you are curious about the other tools and supplies George uses […]
It’s time to show my Mira some love. Today I am taking the day to thoroughly clean my beast of a machine! From the honey comb tray, to the blades, and nozzle, the optics and chiller, I’ll show you how I clean it all. Please keep in mind that the suggestions I make in this […]
Check out our CAMFive Laser Cutter and Engraver Model CMA10050. Its 4×8 ft working area is specially designed to handle big pieces of materials and comes with a 2.5×1.30mts (98″x51″) stripped table, allowing you to work on larger pieces of material and capable of handle full sheets (4’x8′) of MDF, Acrylic, plywood, among others. Resulting […]
Are you a new OMTech user looking to get started with your laser engraving journey? An existing user seeking extra guidance? Or are you still on the fence of acquiring one of our machines? This video and the rest of our OMTech video playlist will assist with frequently asked questions, provide additional guidance and advice, […]
With this step by step guide you will be able to put your Camfive Laser machine together in no time, it is a deep look into our systems, and it will guide you from the uncrating, assembly into the operation and maintenance of your system. If you have any questions, join the CAMFive users group, […]
Are you a new OMTech user looking to get started with your laser engraving journey? An existing user seeking extra guidance? Or are you still on the fence of acquiring one of our machines? This video and the rest of our OMTech video playlist will assist with frequently asked questions, provide additional guidance and advice, […]
Are you a new OMTech user looking to get started? An existing user seeking extra guidance? Or are you still on the fence of acquiring one of our machines? This video and the rest of our OMTech Training Playlist will assist with frequently asked questions, provide additional guidance and advice, and motivate you with creative […]
https://bosslaser.com/boss-fm-20-fiber-laser.html Click the link above to see the machine used in this video. This is a 50 watt fiber laser engraving a picture on stainless steel at 2000 millimeters per second. Fiber lasers are uniquely suited for marking all kinds of metals from machine parts to jewelry. This particular machine is the Boss FM-20 equipped […]
In this video we do a quick comparison between die cutting leather using a clicker press and laser cutting leather on a laser cutter. Both of these methods have their benefits and problems depending on your scenario. Looking to start selling your handcrafted leather goods and need an e-commerce platform? Start with the best. (14 […]