Please watch: “Buildyourcnc CNC Router on Love Yurts” https://youtube.com/watch?v=90KkIO-67Qk –~– Patrick’s Tip Jar: bitcoin:1Gtawd29Sgu5CdvfUnkRg1YBfowCawjFdH Ether:0xa962365100011B79097A7bb9DD51A53eE98266bb If you have found this video to be helpful, consider making a tip. Thanks. Using the BYOLC “Build Your Own Laser Cutter” a.k.a. “blackTooth” Laser cutter/engraver kit to engrave labels in keys. Visit these links for more info: http://kickstarter.com/projects/1427848145/build-your-own-laser-cutter buildyourcnc.com […]