UCp_eHsxSzgQrzyf20KOH1Sw laser cutting machine #Awesome #Working #Laser #Cutting #Machine #Redmi #Full #Body #Sticker
UCp_eHsxSzgQrzyf20KOH1Sw laser cutting machine #Awesome #Working #Laser #Cutting #Machine #Redmi #Full #Body #Sticker
New Scroll Builds bundle is now available! This came out so damn cool! https://fragoutdesign.com/product-page/rm-scroll-builds-bundle #firefighter #FragoutFirearms #LaserEngraving #guns #firearms #fiberlaser #engraving #design #metalengraving #firedept #firerescue #firstresponders Thanks for watching! -SAWATTS To see more of my work and about myself and FDS head on over to my Website!!! FragoutDesign.com UCBNAZeQsGbFm2joS9c7JKgA laser engraving for #Custom #Fire #Axe […]
I ordered some laser cut parts from Ponoko and I wanted to do a video on the unboxing and first impressions of the parts. If your curious how there parts come shipped or how they look and how clean the cuts are check out this video Really happy overall with the cutting they did for […]
I got my hands on Makeblock xTool D1 Laser Cutting and engraving machine. Its Fairly Simply to Assemble , Setup and Use. Link to checkout more details: https://bit.ly/3rLUGVt Other : https://amzn.to/3EVeNo8 xTool D1 can be used to engrave and Cut wide variety of materials with powerful 10W Diode Laser which is equivalent to 15W from […]
Custom Ruger Air Rifle Laser Engraving Design for the Wood Stock. This was my first time doing a scroll design build for wood build firearm. Proud on how this one all turned out! From pencil and paper to inked and designed in Adobe Illustrator! Thanks Trotec Laser Canada hub for letting me work with yall […]
Get $500 off a Pro, $250 off a Plus or $125 off a Basic Glowforge laser cutter https://glowforge.us/f/RNEGVLUI I am an engineering student on a mission to be able to make anything out of anything. Give me a suggestion on what you want to see me make in thements. None of these are sponsors but […]
Files for this project here are on sale for a limited time! https://fragoutdesign/product-page/mossberg-build-bundle #mossberg #laserengraving #firearms #guns #shotgun #mossberg500 #sportingclays #hunting #rifle #fiberlaser #scrollart #adobeillustrator #vectorart #fragoutfirearms Thanks for watching! -SAWATTS To see more of my work and about myself and FDS head on over to my Website!!! FragoutDesign UCBNAZeQsGbFm2joS9c7JKgA laser engraving #Laser #Engraving #Hand […]
Unboxing of our 50W 3050 Laser Cutter engraver. Make sure you watch through to the end to see the surprise! Stay tuned, like and subscribe to stay up to date with all of our latest videos!! 3D Additive Fabrication Inc is a Canadian Company based out of Windsor, Ontario that specializes in custom manufacturing utilizing […]
Going where no customised phone has gone before. ————————————–Socials————————————- Website: https://hughjeffreys Store: https://hughjeffreys/store Instagram: http://instagram/hughjeffreys —————————————Links————————————— Get parts, tools and repair guides at iFixit: Shop US: https://iFixit/hughjeffreys Shop AU: https://ifix.gd/hughjeffreysau Tools I Use: https://hughjeffreys/tools Laser Machine: https://shop.rewa.tech/detail/back-glass-housing-separator-laser-marking-equipment-set-oem-new.html?utm_source=YTB_HughJeffreys&utm_campaign=210HuJe_Laser ————————————————————————————— (DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product […]
#xToolD1 #xTool #laserengraver To purchase – This is a 10w Diode laser engraver by xTool. This is one solid built machine! Has a very study extruded aluminum frame, a true 10w diode laser, and a 3 axis mainboard. I will also show you how to make a spoilboard or wastebord, and secure it down with […]