UCvIUYL-EmLJbm7PdNzqaJXg laser cutter for #Firing #laser #cut #machine #bright #early #morning #epilogfusionpro48 #acryliccutting
UCvIUYL-EmLJbm7PdNzqaJXg laser cutter for #Firing #laser #cut #machine #bright #early #morning #epilogfusionpro48 #acryliccutting
In this video I put the neje, welquic, laser engraver to actual use. I’m not using the neje laser engraver to engrave on cardboard, but I do use the laser engraver on some walnut handle material for some pistol grips. I’m providing a link to this Machine. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338480381&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Febay.com%2Fitm%2F1500mW-High-Speed-Bluetooth-4-0-USB-Laser-Engraver-DIY-Engraving-Printer-Machine%2F281405577315%3Fepid%3D8024286646%26hash%3Ditem4185145863%3Ag%3ADSgAAOSw4SxcPE61 UCxzEFall8_eFowgXyEGkoHQ laser engraver #Laser #Engraver #NEJE #Welquic […]
Hello!, In this video we will make a CNC MINI LASER ENGRAVER, using parts of DVD readers, an Arduino Uno, a CNC shield and other components that give life to this project. The laser I use in this project 650nm, 250mW: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A7MKcv Arduino CNC shield: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ANazod Enter this link to download the 3D pieces in […]
I have tried as much as possible to explain how to convert the printer to laser engraver and cut Basic components :- 1- Laser Module without ttl driver 2- DC-DC Step Down Converter (4.8V~38Vdc to 1.25V~36Vdc) You do not need to change any software to the 3D printer. Simply glue the magnet on the laser […]
This is the AtomStack a5 Laser Engraver and cutter. it uses lasergrbl but can connect to other software as well. this thing was rocking right out of the box. the fix focused design coupled with the ability yo easily move and lock in the laser diode position vertically allows for the right setup every time. […]
Clearview Plastics enclosure for the XTool D1 is our tailor fit enclosure with a variety of upgrades and options to get the best performance out of your Xtool D1. These are designed and crafted in Sacramento California. We specialize in enclosures for 3D printers, laser engravers, and other similar machines. Our enclosures are available at […]
The long-awaited TS3 laser engraving machine is finally here, with a brand-new design, stylish appearance, multi-function operation, air purification system, etc., hurry up and watch! 👉👉 twotrees3dofficial/products/ts3-enclosed-laser-engraver?variant=42802115838172 🤝Business: infotwotrees3d 👉Facebook: facebook/twotrees3d 👉Instagram: instagram/twotrees3d/ 👉Twitter: twitter/TwoTrees3d_ UCSygvtyE9-68gMSuhvYEb_Q laser engraving for #TREES #laser #engraving #machineTS3
The Optic Portable Laser Cutter is aplete rethink of rapid prototyping. The Optic’s folding design, integrated filtration, and infinite cutting volume make it a game changer for projects of any type and scale. Capable of working with thousands of materials like metal, stone, wood, plastics and leather, the Optic is ready to make polished prototypes […]
Creality CV-01 Carving Machine , Portable DIY Laser Engraver -unbox,assemble and test Creality3D – https://bit.ly/3EJsXbl CV-01 Laser Engraver – https://bit.ly/3FtxZJZ Cloudray 60W Air Compressor: https://bit.ly/3hCGQ1Z Laser Engraver Pad :https://bit.ly/3n3nHbi If you like my work, you could support me: https://buymeacoffee/kukomio https://paypal.me/kukomio1?country.x=SK&locale.x=sk_SK 3D laser engraving machine, suitable for wood engraving and cutting . Support for engraving after […]
Im working on a detailed video for how to do this, but for now, check out the video i first saw it in on the edge of tech! https://youtube/watch?v=5Gm6FVMaAgo Like and Subscribe! check out these other cool channels! Technivorous plays: https://youtube/channel/UCut_W8lZYTQJ4JF-Dx9c8Rg sci-fi and fantasy: https://youtube/channel/UC-jcw2xmccE2leB4zmaZQ9A 3 party system: https://youtube/channel/UCgtZ3hcaMOsKHnh7mIoFduQ Find 3dprinters and other cool Tech […]