作者:激光超人. UCOROtWbF4S0_EzorPHJHS0w laser cutting for #激光超人 #laser #cutting #塑料用激光切割會是什么樣子的激光切割機 #激光切割塑料 #塑料切割機97
作者:激光超人. UCOROtWbF4S0_EzorPHJHS0w laser cutting for #激光超人 #laser #cutting #塑料用激光切割會是什么樣子的激光切割機 #激光切割塑料 #塑料切割機97
You can buy the Rotrics DexArm today at https://rotrics.com/products/dexarm This video is about how to get started DexArm’s laser engraving function. Including: 00:00 Introduction 00:43 Module Installation 00:57 Focal lens 01:39 Generate G-code 02:27 Start engraving For more details, please follow our online instructions – https://manual.rotrics.com Please supportrotrics.com if you have any usage problems. UCUtiX15XmgRJkABUdVUK46g […]
Here is part 2 of my review of the XYZ da Vinci Jr 1.0A Pro where I go over some things I missed in part 1, and test out the laser engraver module. Buy Now: http://bit.ly/2MuDqjU Add laser engraving or hardened steel options: http://bit.ly/2ZiNiDe More info on printer: http://bit.ly/2XKdwKt Part 1 of my review: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Wf9fUzdhHm4 […]
Using FreeCAD to create a finger joint box used in a Monport laser cutting machine. You can get a 6% discount on this Monport laser by going to this URL: Monport 40W Pro Lightburn-Supported (12" X 8") CO2 Laser Engraver & Cutter with Air Assist use the discount code: Adventures6 Join this channel to get […]
Creality Laser Engraving Machine – CR Laser Falcon, 24W Engraving Machine with 5W Optical Output CR-Laser Falcon Engraver : https://shrsl.com/3jcoe Price : $349.00 Coupon: AKMHB1Q6 -$30.00 Amazon CR-Laser Falcon Engraver https://amzn.to/3lEEi51 Creality Laser engraver machine for beginners use remarkable Improvements realized by the poly-lens spot compressed laser technology: 6 Times Faster Up to 0.1 mm […]
Please visit http://DIY3DTech.com for more information on this and many other projects! As in this episode we will be looking at the electrical risks of a K40 eBay Chinese CO2 Laser. In full disclosure I am not an electrical expert and what I show should NOT be tried at home. The idea for doing this […]
#3Dprinting #lasercutting #project I love the additive process of 3D printing and I also love the subtractive process of laser cutting… so any time I have a project where I can use both together is super exciting for me… Time to build something! [ – – – – – – – – – – – […]
Today we cover how you can engrave glass using a blue diode laser. We use black tempera paint to provide a layer for the laser to engrave. The frames we use to engrave are from a local dollar store. We apply the paint to the glass with an air brush to achieve a smooth coat. […]
The Snapmaker Original is a small but mighty 3-in-1 desktop 3D printer, CNC, and laser engraver. I’ve had mine for a while, but only recently decided to step out of my 3D printing comfort zone and test out the other functions. Of course, I still managed to sneak in some printing! Shopping List : – […]
Please visit http://DIY3DTech.com for more information on this and many other projects! As in this episode we will be looking at etching a coin or at least trying to see what we come up with. As a viewer wrote in and asked about etching coins for a project and in general I can guess the […]