For more on fractional CO2 laser: http://prasadcosmeticsurgery/laser-light-treatments/
For more information about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for acne scar treatment, please go to:
For more about Dr. Prasad’s experience and training, please go to: http://prasadcosmeticsurgery/dr-amiya-prasad/
A young man had fractional CO2 laser treatment on his cheeks and forehead, presumably to treat acne scarring. He says that there are redness and hyperpigmentation issues still visible 4 months after the treatment. He asks what he should do, and adds he is a smoker.
New York oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Amiya Prasad has used the fractional CO2 laser in his practice since the mid 90s. In this video, he explains the possible causes of hyperpigmentation, the benefits, risks, and effects of the CO2 laser, alternatives to CO2 laser for treating acne scars, the healing process from laser treatment, and how smoking affects healing:
1:45 – CO2 laser in young people for acne scar treatment
2:30 – How CO2 laser works to ablate/remove and tighten skin with heat treatment
2:46 – The risks and benefits of CO2 laser
3:12 – Additional modalities to help with redness and pigmentation of CO2 laser treatment
3:28 – Importance of stopping smoking for health and healing
4:30 – The limitations of cosmetic procedures on smokers
5:23 – The recovery process of the body after smoking cessation
5:56 – Alternatives to CO2 laser for acne scars – platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment
6:24 – Origins of PRP treatment
6:40 – Benefits of PRP outweighed by smoking
7:13 – How pigmentation and redness can fade with time, without additional treatment
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