SETTING UP A LASER CUTTER AT HOME // The Full Spectrum Muse 3D,Steve Makes Everything

Setting up a laser cutter at home or in your workshop isn’t as hard as you think. In this video we will take the next step in the Full Spectrum Laser Muse 3D installation. This time I will walk through the laser cutter setup and after some basic product evaluation I will make a first print. This is the 45W version of the Muse 3D that can cut or engrave wood, acrylic, leather, and cardboard or paper plus it engraves on glass, some metals and even stone. Best of all it has the software built in so there is no need to be tied to the internet, and unlike many other lasers it includes a 3D camera that makes material layout a breeze and allows for continuous autofocus while cutting and engraving.

• Get your materials fast with Amazon Prime free for 30 days ➭
• Save $125 off a Muse 3D or other FSL laser with the discount code ➭ “SteveMakesEverything”
• Get your materials fast with Amazon Prime free for 30 days ➭
• Save on a Fusion 360 Subscription using this link ➭

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My Maker Space
3D Printers
Sliced-Pi ]|[ CoreXY (self-designed)
Sliced-Pi ][ CoreXY – self-designed
Prusa I3Mk3 with MMU 2
Creality CR-10 (massively upgraded)
AnyCubic Photon S SLA Resin Printer
Laser Cutter
Full Spectrum Laser Muse 3D
CNC Router
Genmitsu 3018 Pro

Software I Use
Autocad Fusion 360
DaVinci Resolve

Intro Track:
Bit Bit Loop by Kevin MacLeod licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license,

#stevemakeseverything #laserengraver #laserengraving #laserengravingmachine #laserbusiness #lasercutting #laserprojects #fullspectrumlaser #muse3d

Steve Makes Everything

#SETTING #LASER #CUTTER #HOME #Full #Spectrum #Muse

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