Sculpfun S30 Pro is the first laser engraver I tested which is equipped with linear rail on X axis. This should result more accurate engraving (less vibrations) even on higher speeds. It also arrives with auto air assist pump, which makes it a great tool for cutting of the wood. There are few suggestions for improvements too, more details in the video.
Geek buying: https://geekbuying.com/item/SCULPFUN-S30-Pro-10W-Laser-Engraver-Cutter-517192.html (Coupon code: SCULPFUNS30P)
Aliexpress: https://aliexpress.com/item/1005004749830652.html (Global delivery)
Allegro (Poland&European countries): https://allegro.pl/oferta/12652101846
Alibaba.com (Low batch price & Global Shipping): https://alibaba.com/product-detail/New-Arrive-SCULPFUN-S30_1600624420659.html
($50.00 OFF – Order more than $1,000.00. $20.00 OFF – Order more than $500.00)
Amazon(US warehouse & fast delivery): amazon.com/dp/B0BG7PPS65 (7%off code :07X27EMV)
NewEgg: https://newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIBF12J7G8754&ignorebbr=1
TOMTOP: https://tomtop.com/p-os6677eu.html
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List of all laser engraving videos:
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Unboxing
2:29 Assembling
6:09 Setting the focus
7:02 Preparing the software
7:59 About air assist pump
8:59 Engraving wood
11:10 Cutting wood
12:48 Cutting black acrylic
13:16 Engraving stainless steel
14:33 Conclusions
#sculpfun #laserengraver #laserengraving
laser cutter
#Sculpfun #S30 #Pro #10W #laser #engraver #linear #rail #auto #air #assist #kit