All Co2 laser tubes have a limited lifespan and eventually you will need to replace them. If you bought a generic laser off eBay you may not have any support and will need to do this maintenance yourself. In this video I show you how to remove your old laser tube and install a new one using a replacement tube from SPT Laser.
Special thanks to SPT Laser for providing the laser tube for the production of this video. https://sptlaser.net/
The machine in this video I purchased off of eBay back in 2016. It is a generic 60 watt Co2 laser. The power supply is the original 60w device that came with the machine.
The exact tube seen in this video is the C70 tube from SPT and can be found here: https://sptlaser.net/co2-laser-tube/c-series
For more behind the scenes action from my workshop please follow me on instagram: https://instagram.com/vintauri/
co2 laser
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