neje master2 max 30W laser engraving and cutting machine,
It is a very high degree ofpletion of the engraving and cutting machine, which only needs to install 6 screws toplete the assembly.
Portable, support Android app wireless engraving, NEJEputer software, NEJE IOS, ipadOS, macOS APP, NEJE developed a very simple g-code mode, and built-in MEMS roll protection, especially suitable for CNC beginners;
Professional, built-in the latest GRBL1.1f firmware, can switch between benbox firmware and GRBL1.1f, support free benbox, laserGRBL software and paid lightbrun software.
Support NEJE series modules, including 405nm 3500mw module, 7W module, 20W module, 4060 size 30W module,plete various processes
This 40W module ispleted by two 20W modules through a synthesizing process. The optical power reaches 13-15W and the price is more expensive. It is currently the most powerful module.
There are currently available modules with 4060 size 30W, which have been sent to the warehouse, and you can start booking.
Poland, Spain, the United States, Russia, China, the warehouse can be shipped!
Official purchase link:
master 2 plus 255x440mm 30W:
🛒 Amazon US in stock with coupon: amazon/dp/B08J3S4953
master 2 20W, 3500mw and 7W 170x170mm 2 in 1 laser cutter and engraver:
🛒 Amazon US in stock with coupon: amazon/dp/B08J3S4953
master 2 mini 110x120mm high speed laser engraver:
🛒 Amazon US in stock with coupon: amazon/dp/B08L8M2SJN
30W laser module kits for laser cnc machine, 3d printer, arduino project:
🛒 Amazon US in stock with coupon: amazon/gp/product/B08…
405nm 3500mw, 7W, 20W Replaceable laser module:
🛒 Amazon US in stock with coupon: amazon/gp/product/B08…
Software support:
laser engraving machine
#NEJE #Master #max #40w #460×810 #laser #cutting #machine #laser #engraving #machinecutterlaser #cnc