Nasum A5 Pro is laser engraver with area of 410×400 mm (16.1×15.7 inch). Power of the laser is 5.5W. In this video you can see unboxing, assembling and testing (cutting and engraving). Materials tested are: Plywood, Acrylic (black and transparent), PLA, PETG 3D printed objects, stainless steel.
Amazon link (not affiliate): https://amzn.to/3ErOdC2
Discount Code: Gaspar553
Original Price: 379.99 USD
Discount Price:227.99 USD
Discount:40% OFF
Expiration Date: 2021-11-07
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0:00 Introduction
1:32 Specifications
2:57 Unboxing
6:24 Assembling
17:53 Turning ON
19:18 Noise measuring
19:34 Setting the focus
20:19 Engraving plywood
21:38 Cutting plywood
23:35 Black acrylic
24:42 Transparent acrylic
25:52 PETG, PLA cutting test
26:23 Engraving stainless steel
27:42 Conclusions
#nasum #laserengraving #laserengraver
laser engraver
#Nasum #Pro #5.5W #laser #engraver #assembling #review