Hey guys , Just made a lovely bay max, share it with everyone.I love this laser engraving machine (BACHIN D8-4050), it can help me do a lot of interesting works .
The laser power is 2500mW, and the wood is MDF ,thickness 2mm
The software is Bachin Draw ,very easy and multi-function.
More information about the product: https://alibaba.com/product-detail/BACHIN4050-good-price-2500mW-advanced-toys_62162530395.html?spm=a2700.icbuShop.26951.5.621d6785m9cllv
More products :https://bachin.en.alibaba.com
laser engraving for
#mini #laser #engraving #machine #diy #engraver #2500mW #MDF #wood #cutting #BACHIN #D84050