LX-K6S economic multifunction laser tube cutting machine, cutting 35x2mm aluminum pipes #cutting
We are manufacturer of pipe processing machines for more than 19 years. We are specialize in laser cutting machine, punching machine, bending machine, chamfering machine, etc. Welcome to visit our factory in Foshan city, China.We have machines for show and testing in workshop.
Contact info:
Foshan Longxin Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
Add.:No.58 Guidan Xi Road, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. Zip 528216
Attn.: Steven Ho
Mob./WhatsApp: +86-17329899650
Website: https://lxcuttingmachine.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lxlasermachine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LXLaserTech/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/longxinlaser/
laser cutter machine
#LXK6S #economic #multifunction #laser #tube #cutting #machine #cutting #35x2mm #aluminum #pipes #cutting