LaserPecker 2 SALE now on: https://laserpecker.net/?parent_user_id=13210205&utm_source=sns_share&utm_medium=share_url
So yes, the Laser Pecker 2 can cut different materials, I had a lot of fun testing out this laser engravers capabilities. It’s so good that we can cut the wood and acrylic, what would you make with yours?
Engraving on the Laser Pecker video: https://youtu.be/vMRt7gS6qrw
Wood packs: https://amzn.to/37kLIqm
Pin backs: https://amzn.to/3QWleNd
For jewellery: https://amzn.to/3w8gYl0
Keychain kit: https://amzn.to/38TSEv8
Blank key chains: https://amzn.to/3vOHctJ
LaserPecker 2: https://laserpecker.net/?parent_user_id=13210205&utm_source=sns_share&utm_medium=share_url
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Thank you to LaserPecker for sending me this Laser and sponsoring this video, the opinions in this video are fully my own.
These are all ideas and I take no responsibility for any damage caused, always protect yourself well, wearing the correct safety equipment and work in a fully ventilated area, stay safe, if in doubt don’t proceed.
Some links are affiliate links, if you choose to purchase any of these items I may make a smallmission, but you pay no more.
Thank you,
Sarah – Red Rocking Bird
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#LaserPecker #Cutting #Laser #Engraver