Making wood signs is great fun and you can achieve a really professional finish. In this video I show you my new laser engraver, the atomstack x7, and how quick simple and easy it is to get started on your journey to laser engraving. You never know you could always start up a new business too, I know I’d love to.
– S U P P L I E S –
â–¶Laser in video: https://bit.ly/3AQO0dp / https://amzn.to/3Prpi7s
â–¶I also love this Laser: https://store.xtool/collections/laserbox/products/portable-diode-laserbox-d1-for-laser-engraving-laser-cutting?ref=zZ1xJxidcQmE7h
â–¶Wood boards: https://amzn.to/3IEgeK8
â–¶Spray: https://amzn.to/3IT9LLH
â–¶Varnish: https://amzn.to/3o5u8ve
â–¶Bottle openers: https://amzn.to/3P7AyWQ
– C O N N E C T W I T H M E –
â–¶INSTAGRAM: https://instagram/redrockingbird
â–¶PATTERN SHOP: https://rockingbird.square.site/
â–¶SUPPORT ME: https://ko-fi/redrockingbird
Links are affiliate links, you pay no more if you choose to purchase, but i make just a small percentage to help keep my channel afloat. Thank you.
I make all my crafts for personal use and for fun, I do not sell my air dry clay projects.
Always take the correct safety precautions when carrying out any project, do your own research and stay safe.
Thank you to Atomstack for sending me this laser to trial, the opinions in this video are purely my own.
Thank you for watching,
Sarah – Red Rocking Bird
BEGINNER Laser Engraving – Quick and Easy Set Up,Laser Engraver,Laser Engraving Wood Signs,SCRAP WOOD DIYS that SELL / Farmhouse inspired cutting boards,laser engraver diy,atomstack x7,laser engraving wood,laser engraving projects,laser engraving machines,TOP 5 Best Laser Engraving Machines 2022 Best Laser Engravers DIY wood signs laser engraving for beginners redrockingbird
laser engraving for
#Laser #Engraving #Quick #Easy #Set