As people are gravitating toward greener alternatives to paper and plastic, laser engraving canvas wine bags is becoming a very popular laser application. Canvas is not only durable and versatile, it’s an eco-friendly material that is completely customizable. Cute and stylish, these reusable canvas bags make fantastic gifts for any wine enthusiast!
To receive your free Epilog laser engraved samples and a brochure visit: https://epiloglaser.com/youtube
For domestic US pricing and to setup a demonstration, contact your local distributor:
For international system pricing and to setup a demonstration, contact your local distributor:
Epilog Laser
16371 Table Mountain Parkway · Golden, CO 80403 · USA
salesepiloglaser.com · +1 (303)277-1188 · toll free (888) 437-4564.
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#Laser #Engraving #Canvas #Wine #Bags