I’m not certain enough of my laser location to drill holes through the wall for fume extraction. So I improvised! This keeps me running for business and gives me time to think.
🔗 Samcraft Website [Tool Links, Project Plans]: http://sam-craft.com
🔗 All my Laser Engraving Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxHrEOd7lzfGNRklV6k9Fxw4mV5BZpT7k
🔗 Ortur Laser Engraver: https://amzn.to/3EKrYbW
🔗 Ortur Laser Enclosure: https://amzn.to/3OESBDG
🔗 Fusion5 Tablet: https://amzn.to/3EL1hUF
🔗 Bluetooth Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3vBBIRC
🔗 Our Family’s Small Business: http://greenacrehomestead.com
🔗 Latest Video: https://goo.gl/Snbz3U
🔗 Most Popular Video: https://goo.gl/vwp6GG
Hey guys, Sam here and welcome to Samcraft! My channel is all about the happenings in my small workshop. From CNC woodworking to laser engraving, shop projects, small business talk, and more — you’ll find it all on Samcraft.
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laser engraver
#Laser #Engraver #Shop #Hack #samcraft #laserengraving #shorts