Laser engraved watch bands are cheap to create and look amazing. With a discount silicone watch band purchased on-line and a bit of laser engraving you can create something great in less than 30 minutes. In this video I will show you how a simple design can be laser engraved on any watch band using a few easy-to-follow steps.
►►►► Amazon Affiliate Links for Items Discussed (I may earnmissions for purchases through these links)
Apple Watch Bands-5 Pack: amzn.to/3k6WNhi
Download the watch band jig here:
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• Get your materials fast with Amazon Prime free for 30 days ➭ amzn.to/3xhXn0Q
• Save $125 off a Muse 3D or other FSL laser with the discount code ➭ “SteveMakesEverything”
• Save on a Fusion 360 Subscription or other Autodesk product ( stevemakeseverythinggmail for a code)
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0:00 Introduction
0:38 Design an Engraving Jig
1:02 Engraving a Logo
4:52 Engraving an SVG Pattern
7:47 Cleaning the Watch Band
9:53 Last Minute Tips
Laser/Vinyl Cutters
Full Spectrum Laser Muse 3D
Circuit Maker 3: amzn.to/3hEsjC5
3D Printers
Sliced-Pi ]|[ CoreXY (self-designed)
Sliced-Pi ][ CoreXY – self-designed
Prusa I3Mk3 with MMU 2
Creality CR-10 (massively upgraded)
Creality Ender 3 V2 (New!) amzn.to/34wuUeg
AnyCubic Photon S SLA Resin Printer amzn.to/3wtSVvo
CNC Router
Genmitsu 3018 Pro amzn.to/3vgAeLb
DaVinci Resolve 17 blackmagicdesign
Autocad Fusion 360 autodesk/products/fusion-360/overview
Inkscape inkscape.org
Gimp gimp.org
#stevemakeseverything #engravedwatchband #laserengraver #laserengraving #laserengravingmachine #laserbusiness #lasercutting #laserprojects #fullspectrumlaser #muse3d
laser engraved