In this project overview we look at constructing an LED-lit sign by laser cutting plywood, and laser cutting and engraving acrylic. One of the versatile and inspiring aspects of an Epilog Laser machine is that it can be used to engrave the graphics that will be the focal point of your finished item, and it can also be used to cut out the parts and pieces that will be used to produce the rest of your project. Many projects can make use of the laser’s ability to produce crisp, clean, and custom graphics, some can leverage the laser machine as a fabrication tool, and others can make use of both capabilities.
Full Project Overview:
Laser Machine: Epilog Fusion Pro 48
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For international system pricing and to setup a demonstration, contact your local distributor:
Epilog Laser
16371 Table Mountain Parkway · Golden, CO 80403 · USA
salesepiloglaser.com · +1 (303)277-1188 · toll free (888) 437-4564
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#Laser #Cutting #Engraving #LEDLit #Acrylic #amp #Plywood #Sign