Laser Cut Phone Back Cover Out of Scrap Wood Veneer

Laser Cut Phone Back Cover Out of Scrap Wood Veneer

I have a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and I don’t have a case on it so the back of my phone is pretty scratched up. I had an idea to cover it up with some scrap veneer I had lying around.

This was meant to be a test but it turned out really well so I’m keeping it on :). had to sand the corners down a bit as I didn’t get the radius right and rounded off the edges to make it fit and feel better on my phone. And I laser cut my signature on it as well.

I drew up the design using Adobe Illustrator and traced an image I got off google. Then I measured my phone to get the right scale. I didn’t record me drawing it up because I don’t have the software that records straight from your monitor, and I forgot to video it being laser cut. I got distracted and it was done in like 15 seconds haha.

I used spray adhesive to stick it on to my phone. It was a bit messy, but it was all I had and it worked out ok. Next time I will use double sided adhesive sheets and stick it to the veneer before laser cutting.

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