A laser beam is a single wavelength, or a column of light of very high intensity of color. In the case of a typical CO2 laser, that wavelength is in the infra-red part of the light spectrum, so it is invisible to the human eye. The beam is about from / 4 inches in diameter from the laser resonator that creates the beam through the machine’s beam path which can be bounced in several directions by several mirrors or “beam benders” before finally focusing on the plate. The focused laser beam passes through a nozzle bore before the plate is hit. A compressed gas like oxygen or nitrogen flows through that nozzle bore.
Focusing on the laser beam can be done by a special lens, or a curved mirror and it takes place in the laser cutting head. The beam needs to be focused properly so that the shape of the focus spot and the energy density of that spot are perfectly round and consistent and the nozzle is centered. Focusing large rays on a single pinpoint, the concentration of heat at that point is extreme. Think about using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight on a leaf and how it can start a fire. Now think about concentrating K kilowatts of electricity in a single spot and you can imagine how hot the spot will be.
High energy concentrations result in rapid heating, melting, and partial or complete evaporation of the material. When cutting light steel, the heat of the laser beam is enough to start a normal “oxy-fuel” burning process and the laser cutting gas will be pure oxygen like an oxygen-fuel torch. When cutting stainless steel or aluminum, the laser beam simply melts the material, and is used to boil the molten metal from high pressure nitrogen KPF.
laser cutting machine
#Laser #Cut #Machine #Explained #Bengali