I just got myself a CO2 laser cutter and it was daunting knowing which one to buy. After many hours of research, I present to you this buyer’s guide with a breakdown of what features and specifications to look for when shopping. In this video I am definitely standing on the shoulders of giants, so please check out the links to these wonderful sites below.
One thing I didn’t mention is it makes no difference what colour the outside of the laser is! This ispletely arbitrary and tells you nothing about whether a particular machine is good or not.
These machines are definitely for tinkerers and the risks to safety are quite high, so please only consider one of these machines if you are suitably knowledgeable, confident and experienced.
Ray from Cohesion3D was another great resource in preparing this video. He was honest and patient in answering my beginner questions right at the beginning. The Cohesion3D laser board is already fitted and working very well with Lightburn. I look forward to showcasing it with a guide in a future video.
Three of the best sites I found for resources:
K40laser.se: k40laser.se
Laser Gods: lasergods
Don’s Things: http://donsthings.blogspot/
Specific pages referred to in this video:
Control board identification: https://lasergods/controller-dsp-identification/
Laser tube size guide: http://laserwd/article_how-to-choose-correct-co2-glass-laser-tube-for-your-machine_606.html
My 80W 1040 machine I ended up with: https://china-cncrouter/products/XB-1040-80W-CO2-Laser-Engraving-Cutting-Machine.html
RECI W2 laser tube in my machine: http://recilaser/en/index.php?m=&c=Index&a=show&catid=7&id=66
Digital vs analogue panels: https://lasergods/k40-control-panels-analog-vs-digital/
Laser power supply identification: https://donsthings.blogspot/2017/01/k40-lps-configuration-and-wiring.html
Adding Z table to K40: https://lasergods/how-to-mount-your-lightobject-motorized-z-axis-table/
Water cooling recipe: https://lasergods/laser-water-coolants-additives/
CW-3000 info: https://k40laser.se/watercooling/cw3000-cooler-for-lasers-warning/
Counterfeit chiller guide: https://lasergods/identifying-counterfeit-sa-chillers/
K40 Whisperer: https://scorchworks/K40whisperer/k40whisperer.html
Air assist before and after: https://youtube/watch?v=mdERI7WaKa4
PVC safety warning: https://lasergods/can-i-cut-vinyl-pvc-in-a-laser/
Ammeter wiring guide: https://donsthings.blogspot/2017/04/adding-analog-milliamp-meter-to-k40.html
LPSU identification: https://donsthings.blogspot/2017/01/k40-lps-configuration-and-wiring.html
Precision potentiometer guide: https://k40laser.se/diy-how-to/upgrade-analog-power-knob/
Mirror alignment written guide: https://k40laser.se/lens-mirrors/mirror-alignment-the-ultimate-guide/
Mirror alignment video: https://youtube/watch?v=rYX0zfWFnIM
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laser cutter
#K40Chinese #CO2 #laser #cutterengraver #buyers #guide